Monday, November 9, 2009

Blogism and Narcissism

Thought I would share some late afternoon ramblings from Eliza, as I am out on an adventure with The Tall Guy Who Yells and currently have my head out the window flying down 36. Enjoy-

"This morning I sat down in my office cubical, fifteen minutes late of course and after receiving a useless diatribe from my heinous employer, I began to think about how I was to open up this Monday morning package... a gift, some say, from the universe, lovingly wrapped in the golden Colorado sunshine of an Autumn day in November. However, my desk faces away from my office window so I did not particularly see this morning in such a way, nor any morning when I have to be in an office at 8am.
Last night I was speaking with some "important people" (who shall remain nameless due to their astounding local infamy and their essential part of my sanity and well being), and was exploring and talking about their blogs. Now, I had never had a blog before. I don't think I even knew what a Blog was for until, maybe like last week. I'm still not really sure what I'm supposed to do with this damn thing.
I realized that what most people use blogs for is to share with the world how much time they have spend aimlessly wandering, or stumbling, around the internet, searching for things that may pique their interest, and perhaps someone elses for that matter. Congratulations. You have spend an outrageous amount of time on the internet finding something stupid so that someone, perhaps, someone out there in hyperspace will click on it and mutter "ha" for a split second before moving on to the next idiotic micro-tidbit of info, that no doubt will replace some beautiful memory from 3rd grade recess when that girl you liked gave you a flower and then you crushed it cause girls were still gross back then but deep down inside it was something special....

But I digress.

Who looks at blogs the most? Do you think its your friends? The faceless and nameless people out there who, although they have no interpersonal relationship with you, just have to see what next interesting thing you have released into cyberspace? My pessimistic opinion is no. Unfortunately, you are the one who looks at your blog the most.
That being said, I'm still going to continue with this blog. Both Sheba and I will be contributing only the most fascinating parts of our lives that will make this site worth coming back to and reading. And you know what? I don;t care if you decide to "follow" me, or "bookmark" me or whatever, but you're probably missing out on some pretty badass shit.
That is all.

Thanks Eliza. I'm going to go poop on the floor and watch you clean it up now :P

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